Semester III Practicals
Computer Graphics
Practicals for CG are written in C and C++ programming language. These practicals implement and demonstrate how graphics can be manipulated using algorithms and techniques like translation, dilation, scaling etc. We have uploaded following practicals in our repository.
- Bresenham’s method and DDA algorithm to generate a line
- Bresenham’s circle algorithm
- Midpoint Circle Algorithm
- Drawing line with Bresenham by shifting the origin
- Drawing line with DDA by shifting the origin
- Scaling
- Translation
- Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm
- Polygon Filling
- Polygon - Input in Program
- Polygon - User Input
- Seed Filling
- Bouncing Ball
Check tools required to execute C++ programs.
Learning Resources
- Computer Graphics
- Mathematical elements of Computer Graphics
- Procedural elements of Computer Graphics
- Computer Graphics
Advanced SQL
This subject is continuation of previous sem subject DBMS. The practicals include writing SQL and database programming using stored procedures, triggers etc. The database we used was oracle but again which database is to use is depend on your college. The practicals we have uploaded might not be same as conducted by your college however they may give you general idea about this subject.
Download PracticalsTools
Oracle Database Express Edition
Learning Resources
I found this youtube channel useful while studying this subject. First start with SQL and then learn PL/SQL.
Object Oriented Programming with C++
This subject introduces you to the concept of Object Oriented Programming using C++. We have uploaded following practical programs in our Github repository.
- Method calling
- Friend function
- Static Variable and Static Function
- Operator Overloading
- Inheritance
- Method overriding
- Virtual Function
- String operations
- Exception handling
- File demo
- Template Class Library
Tools Learning Resources
Check tools and learning resources mentioned in C++ Programming (Semester 1).
Here you can read more about semester 3 subjects.